Sept. 2022 - Present
CalMatters College Journalism Network | Fellow
Explored state budgets, policies and higher education trends shaping the lives of UC students and faculty
Attended UC Board of Regents meetings and reported on agenda items such as the Dual Admissions Pilot Program
Collaborated with other student reporters to provide comprehensive coverage of California’s public university system
Oct. 2020 - Present
UCLA Daily Bruin | PRIME Content Editor, News Reporter
PRIME Content Editor
Managed and edited the long-form stories of 15 writers to produce a quarterly magazine published online and in print
Collaborated with photography, design and social media teams to present stories in creative and engaging ways
Created my own long-term projects covering issues such as the Japanese American internment of World War II
News Staff Reporter
Pitched and wrote over 25 stories for the Features and National News & Higher Education beats
Helped to edit and contribute to a series of stories exploring funding inequality, environmental sustainability and enrollment trends across the UC
June 2022 - Sept. 2022
Honolulu Civil Beat | Intern
Pitched and wrote in-depth articles on topics involving education, state legislation, criminal justice and abortion
Provided in-person coverage of events and conducted interviews with legislators, advocates and community leaders
Took photos on assignments; used Excel and DataWrapper to analyze and visualize data on COVID-19 infections in the state
Learned how to analyze state budgets, develop basic coding skills and input public records requests in weekly trainings
Asian American Journalist Association VOICES | Fellow
May 2022 - July 2022
Co-authored a long-form features story on the hazardous working conditions and racial discrimination Asian American workers have faced in nail salons and spas across the country
Presented the features story alongside fellow VOICES students at the 2022 AAJA Conference
Attended biweekly trainings hosted by professional journalists on investigative reporting, data journalism and more
Dec. 2021 - May 2022
EdSource California Student Journalism Corps | Student Reporter
Covered the fears and perspectives of students with personal ties to Russia and Ukraine in February 2022
Produced feature stories on the experiences of school shooting survivors and contributed to a related podcast episode
Explored the rise of the cannabis industry in California’s economy and universities in a series of short stories
Wrote a commentary on the challenges of moving to Los Angeles and returning to in-person learning in fall 2021
Sept. 2019 - June 2023
University of California, Los Angeles
B.A., Political Science and Public Affairs; Education Studies, Minor
Dean’s Honors List
Recipient of the 2022-23 Daily Bruin Scholarship, 2021-22 UCLA Faculty Women's Club Scholarship